Sunday, 25 November 2012

Natural Dyeing and Felting Workshop with British Wool

Setting the scene.
My display of felt landscapes.
Rosie's display of her naturally-
dyed White-faced Woodland
wool from her neighbour's
Peak district farm.

We had great fun running this weekend dyeing and felting workshop.  On day one Rosie led (in her unique style ;-)) a natural dyeing session, where she imparted much of her vast knowledge and experience.  Madder, onion skin, iris and privet dye baths were prepared and gradually the magic unfolded and we had some nice surprises.
English Blue-faced Leicester

The following day we used the dyed fibres to create journal covers with resist templates.

Love this tweedy look.

And then it was time for recording the results...

We can't wait to do a follow up in the spring.  Watch this space!!


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